Kaleena is an outsider and orphan of the sea. At the age of 16, she was crowned Guardian of Siren City. As an outsider, Kaleena acts as ambassador and helps protect Siren City along with her siren companions. Kaleena became an orphan of the sea and an inhabitant of Siren City after a tragic event changed the trajectory of her life forever.
The tides began to change for Kaleena on the day she and her parents boarded The Odyssey, a famous explorer ship that traveled from the Old World to the New World. On that sad night, the ship plummeted down Mermaid Falls. Everyone on the ship perished, including Kaleena’s parents. Kaleena was the sole survivor of the tragedy. She was only 10 years old.
The dolphins kept Kaleena from drowning. They carried her to the sirens nearby. Kaleena was then taken to Siren City where she cried for many days. It was difficult for Kaleena to adapt to this strange place inhabited by mythical creatures. The sirens consoled her day and night and showered her with love and affection. Kaleena remained withdrawn and anxious for quite some time.
After a year had elapsed, Kaleena was able to fully open her eyes and grasp the new world that was now her home. She grew close to the sirens. They trained her to be a courageous young woman and a very strong swimmer. As an outsider, Kaleena often gets lonely and feels nostalgic for her home. Her memories of home are elusive and she hopes to return someday.
Meet Leilania – Kaleena’s planetary sister, also an orphan of the sea.
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