My Reflections on Independence Day
On Independence Day, I can’t help but feel nostalgia as I ponder on the actions of our Founding Fathers. I think of their pure bravery and their revolutionary vision that led to what we now call “The United States of America”. The Founding Fathers risked their lives, committing what was considered “treason” by the tyrannical English monarchy. In doing that, they laid the foundation for our democracy that has endured for centuries.
Their dream was to create a nation free from dictatorship. That very dream is what laid the foundation for the freedoms we fought and won and now cherish. Today, however, I find myself filled with this nostalgia but also deeply concerned. I’m really worried that we are at risk of going back to the time before the Founding Fathers.
The US Supreme Court Immunity Hearing
The recent rulings and decisions coming from our Supreme Court seem to challenge the very principles that are enshrined in our Constitution – the one our Founding Fathers fought to put in place. This new development served as a wake up call that our democracy is fragile, and it requires our vigilance. At this point, more than vigilance. Perhaps we have been complacent. Perhaps we have been taking it for granted. Why? Because it becomes the expectation that one would think could never be challenged…by anyone. But now it’s being challenged.
Threats to Democratic Ideals
The Founding Fathers had the vision of a country free from oppression- a country where the ideals of equality and justice reign supreme. Yet, we are witnessing a resurgence of toxic and superstitious ideologies that threaten those ideals. Misogyny, toxic masculinity, homophobia, racism, and xenophobia are rearing their ugly heads once more. It took us so long to get away from that…to understand the psychology behind it and what it made people capable of. It’s so crazy how one seed can be planted, spread its roots, and grow to the point where its branches are lifting the cement we laid down. How easily we can forget and let it take root in our hearts. That seed has grown now…fertilized by fear and misinformation. It’s now jeopardizing the progress we fought so hard to achieve
It’s important to remember that our strength lies in our diversity. To ensure this strength remains intact, we must continue our efforts to overcome classism and income inequality. Our Founding Fathers envisioned a nation built on equality and justice for all, not just for some. Thanks to the progress we’ve made through diverse perspectives, we have evolved in many aspects, including science. This progress brings new responsibilities, particularly towards our environment. An environment neglected poses significant health risks and undermines our achievements. Much more is at risk than we can imagine, all because of the lure of short-term rewards, superstition, and even worse, fascism.
Historical Lessons
The recent actions by the Supreme Court hint at what could happen if we don’t act to safeguard our democracy. The notion that we are immune to the fall of our democratic system is a dangerous illusion. History has shown us that even well-established democracies can face significant threats. As someone from Venezuela, I have witnessed how a prosperous democracy can erode and give way to authoritarianism. Similarly, the Roman Republic transitioned into an autocratic empire before its eventual fall, and the Weimar Republic in Germany succumbed to totalitarianism under Adolf Hitler. We cannot get complacent. We must ensure our voices are heard and take active steps to protect the democratic principles that uphold our society.
Examples of Democracies that Have Fallen:
1. Venezuela: Once a prosperous democracy, Venezuela has experienced significant democratic backsliding under leaders like Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro, leading to an authoritarian regime.
- Source: Council on Foreign Relations
2. Roman Republic: The Roman Republic fell to autocratic rule under Julius Caesar and later Augustus, transitioning to the Roman Empire.
- Source: Encyclopedia Britannica
3. Weimar Republic: Democratic Germany faced significant political and economic instability in the 1920s and early 1930s, leading to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the establishment of a totalitarian regime.
4. Recent Concerns in Turkey: Turkey has seen a decline in democratic freedoms and an increase in authoritarian practices under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
- Source: Freedom House
Hubris Leads to Downfall
Be careful with the mentality of, “Oh, that can’t happen to us. Those countries are ‘third world’ or those countries are way different.” Or even more naively, “Those are out there. They’re nothing like us.” This is a type of hubris. In Greek mythology, hubris refers to excessive pride or self-confidence, often leading to a downfall. It was frequently a theme in Greek tragedies, where characters who displayed hubris inevitably faced dire consequences. This same overconfidence can blind societies to the vulnerabilities within their own democratic systems. It’s a biased form of thinking that leads to errors in decision-making and mental blind spots. It led to the sinking of the Titanic, the 9/11 attacks, the 2008 financial crisis. And ofcourse, on the microcosmic level there are school shootings, and other acts of violence that we never thought would happen here.
It’s important to recognize that these countries were strong in their own right. For example, Venezuela was once the wealthiest nation in Latin America; it was prosperous due to its oil and strong economy. I was there, and trust me when I say that it was paradise. Everywhere you looked there was prosperity. Yet what seems like out of nowhere things changed and only got worse. It has faced significant political and economic turmoil; no one could have ever anticipated. The rapid decline was shocking, and is still shocking to us all.
The Roman Republic was a model of a government and had great military strength. It was well-known for its democratic principles and its civic values. From Rome came some of the most influential philosophers and thinkers whose ideas have had a lasting impact on Western thought. Even these philosophers that were in conflict with autocratic principles could not save what Rome morphed into- an autocratic empire. The very foundations of its political system were like ours, but it fell apart under the weight of internal strife and power struggles.
Similarly, Germany was one of the most advanced countries in the world before the rise of the Nazi regime, known for its contributions to science, philosophy, and the arts. Even the German people themselves look back with shock and disbelief at how they succumbed to such actions and behaviors. I need not say more here. You know what happened.
Democracy Protects Us
Democracy provides a system of checks and balances to prevent the concentration of power and protect against criminal activities that result in disorder and the reign of power in the wrong directions. We have to ensure that these provisions are in place from the start, not just as reactive after-the-fact measures. A proactive approach is necessary to maintain justice and prevent abuse of power. Again, it can happen to us too. These countries and many others never thought it would happen to them…until it did.
Let’s Reflect Together
On Independence Day, as we celebrate the courage and democratic ideals of our Founding Fathers, it’s so important for us to reflect not only on our past achievements, but also on the challenges that we face today. The recent actions of our Supreme Court serve as a major wake-up call that our democracy, built on equality and justice, is not immune to threats. Just as other once-thriving democracies have succumbed throughout history, we must remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding our freedoms.
Pay Attention to The Rhetoric
To safeguard and strengthen our democracy, it’s crucial to closely examine the rhetoric used by our leaders. Does it foster unity or division among us? Is there an underlying agenda of propaganda, misinformation, or scapegoating? Are there persistent excuses and blame-shifting rather than a clear plan of action? Does the messaging encourage understanding and collaboration, or does it fuel fear, anger, and mockery towards dissenting voices? Watch for signs of an “us versus them” mentality, which can undermine cohesion and exacerbate societal divisions. By critically evaluating the rhetoric we encounter, we can better protect the integrity of our democratic values and promote a more inclusive and united society.
Let’s Keep the Dream a Reality
It’s crucial that we recognize the tone and reject leaders who exhibit autocratic tendencies. Leaders that seek admiration, control, and that want to consolidate power and undermine democratic institutions. Leaders that stifle dissent and use vengeful tactics. Leaders that do not take responsibility for the actions of their followers. Pay attention to these signs and actively defend our democratic values by pushing against these messages and influences. Protect the integrity of our nation and honor the sacrifices made by those who came before us by making your voice heard. If you want to preserve democracy, make it your responsibility. Make sure to vote, and do so with a clear and informed mind. Remember the dream of our Founding Fathers that was made a reality, let’s not turn it back into just a dream.
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